Amy and Heidi - A planned caesarean birth

My first baby was a Hypno baby and although her eventual appearance was not quite what I'd had in mind it was still an incredibly positive experience for me and with my Hypnobirthing toolkit we both stayed very calm through the long labour.  This is why as soon as I discovered I was pregnant with my second I knew I wanted to do a re-fresher course with Katie.

Due to a different set of circumstances this time round I knew fairly early on that I was going to have a planned C-section.  Whilst I welcomed the fact that this birth was going to be more controlled and I was monitored more regularly due to a low PAPP-A result, it didn't stop nerves and anxiety creeping in.  

I did a refresher course with Katie I was reminded of all the vital relaxation techniques which were so helpful when I felt physically uncomfortable or needed to calm my nerves.  I often found myself awake at night with sudden anxiety that I was going to go into spontaneous labour and would have to have an emergency section however my breath work was always quick to calm me down.  I discussed my concerns with Katie and we worked together to create some positive affirmations about the birth to remind me that I was still in control and this was the right decision for me with my set of circumstances.  I had never really had any surgery before so I was also a bit apprehensive about this.

What was so brilliant about doing this course with Katie is that she is so passionate about birth and very well read on the subject so she recommended I read a book called "Why Caesarean Matters" by Clare Goggin.  This definitely helped me feel more prepared for the birth and gave me a very factual, unbiased view of what I could expect, which reinforced my confidence in my decision to have a C-section.  

The morning of my section I listened to some relaxation tracks to help keep me in the excited positive mood I was in.  When it was my turn to go to theatre my husband Tom was there in his scrubs waiting with a big smile on his face.  His calm presence helped to dull the adrenaline I felt walking into theatre and he didn't let go of my hand the entire time (except for me to touch my placenta!!) Once again I used my breath work to relax myself when they placed the spinal block in and whilst they made the incisions. Before I knew it, they were laying Heidi on my chest and the happy tears (and oxytocin) began to flow!  It was a wonderful day and it was a wonderful birth. 

What Katie recognises is that it is not just about feeling calm, relaxed and excited about bringing your baby into the world, it is also hugely important to know your choices and be as informed as possible, to feel empowered to make decisions and have confidence in them.  

I loved my birth and felt totally calm and confident going into the experience.


Jo and Ezra - A speedy arrival!


Annie and Florian - Annie’s dream birth