Katie & Tasha:

Our (Love) Story

We met at school and have seen each other through first heartbreaks, bad fashion choices and everything else that fills your world as an angsty teenager.

Now we nurture each other through the highs and lows of what it means to be working mums. Common topics of discussion include how tired we are, how many times that week we have managed to put our hands into the contents of a nappy and how thrilled we are to be working together (featuring "Do you want another cup of tea?!" and "Can you believe we get to do this?" times a billion).

katie annie and tasha of the birth project milton keynes

Katie (left) is a no-nonsense, practical type who trained as a Lawyer and can (verbally) wrangle anyone into submission. She's the girl you need when advocating for your needs during pregnancy and a perfect model of assertiveness when you need a confidence boost. She's smart and fast-paced; planning is her forte.

Annie (centre) is an open-minded and gentle soul who has been a care-provider working with vulnerable people in our wider community. She's passionate about how beautiful and hugely transformative pregnancy and birth can be; she'll be the one to help you navigate your journey into your new role with ease.

Tasha (right) is a thoughtful, creative sort who has worked in Education and Arts. She's a listener, who likes to get the full measure of a birther's thoughts and feelings before suggesting an individualised path of support. She's calm and considered: she's the one you want guiding you as you learn challenge your fears before birth.

And together?

And together? Well, besides from making each other ugly-laugh, we are both MASSIVE nerds who love to swat up on evidence-based research about women's bodies, the development of babies, and the physiology of pregnancy and labour. Never to be outdone by the each other, we qualified as Hypnobirthing Instructors (via Wise Hippo and The Birth Uprising), after using relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques during our own births. 

We didn't have textbook births; our plans changed and we had to adapt. We experienced a variety of special circumstances as our labours progressed, but neither of us (or our birth partners) felt overwhelmed or panicked because of the knowledge we had gained through antenatal education and preparation. That's what our hypnobirthing courses will do for you...

Katie James



  • Positive Induction and Caesarean 

  • Big Babies

  • Shoulder Dystocia

  • I have completed LGBT+ competency training with The Queer Birth Club so that our course is inclusive and welcoming to all people.

Find Katie on Linkedin

My Birth Overview:

Toryn was born in Northampton Maternity Led Unit: vaginal delivery, suspected big baby, shoulder dystocia, episiotomy. Cillian was born on labour ward in Bedford Hospital: vaginal delivery, induction, high risk (due to previous shoulder dystocia), postpartum haemorrhage.

Tasha White



  • Pregnancy Loss

  • Perinatal Mental Health Experiences

  • Sharing Birth Stories

My Birth Overview:

Sidney was born on labour ward at Milton Keynes Hospital: vaginal delivery, face presentation, polyhydramnios, suspected big baby, meconium in waters, episiotomy, postpartum haemorrhage. Supported by the Perinatal Mental Health Team (BLMK).

Annie Iorizzo



  • Home birth

  • Water birth

  • Holistic Practices for Birth

My Birth Overview:

Florian was born at home, vaginally, during an unmedicated water birth. Her pregnancy was straightforward.

So if you are entrusting your journey into parenthood to anyone, you might be reassured to know that we have personally tried and tested everything we recommend and would love to help you navigate the Maternity Service with the same success as we had. Three gorgeous babies and three happy births later and here we are... caring for you.

Got a question about our courses?

Take a look at the FAQ page which may have the answers you need.