Third times a charm - Emma and Ruby

Even though this was my 3rd child and pregnancy, it didn't mean I knew it all when it came to giving birth. I have been diagnosed with (GD) for every pregnancy, I was always under consultant care which comes with (I thought) came with strict rules attached - the main ones I hated were being induced at 38 or 39 weeks and not being allowed a water birth.

After completing the course with Katie, I felt empowered to push for what I wanted and ask questions about why these rules were in place. The hospital agreed for me to go to 40 weeks until induction as baby Ruby was measuring perfectly. Then I had a water birth pre-approved, something I wasn't allowed in previous pregnancies as I was deemed high risk.

During the induction, when I was taken to the labour room to have my waters broken things went a bit downhill as I was told by the midwife I wasn't allowed a water birth because of the GD. I soon told them I was allowed, it had been pre approved by the consultant midwife and that I could tell they hadn't read my birth plan. They soon read my birth plan (which I had created during the course with the help of Katie) and moved me to a room with a pool and it was lovely. They put the diffuser on with scented oils and filled the pool for me.

Usually when they break your waters, there is a 2hr clock until they want you to go on the hormone drip. I questioned the reasonings (as if it happens naturally they give you 24hrs) and they agreed they wouldn't put me on the clock. I was aware from the course that stress can slow down labour and I didn't want that. 

I spent some time in the pool and going for a walk, watching comedy shows and about 4.5hrs after my waters were broken the surges started, I put on my favourite album and then my little girl Ruby was born in the pool just 2hrs later with gas and air. It was so different giving birth upright compared to on my back like previously, my body took over and made me push.

I would highly recommend Katie's course to anyone whether it's your 1st or your 3rd like me - there's always more to learn to help achieve a positive birth.


Amelia and Arthur - a perfectly imperfect birth


Theo’s Home Birth with lots of great birthing techniques