Kate and Hugo - A positive birth with no tearing!

I woke up on my due date feeling a bit peculiar but didn’t think much of it as knew it was unlikely my baby would come that day. So I got up and did a yoga session and that’s when I started experiencing light tightenings about every half an hour. Unsure if it was the onset of labour or just Braxton Hicks contractions, I decided to take a bath with a few drops of Clary Sage essential oil, which I had heard could help stimulate contractions.

Since this was my first pregnancy and the contractions were quite mild at this point, I assumed that my baby would probably come the following day. For some reason I thought this was the perfect time to pop a tan on - clearly it was a top priority. 

I had some lunch while experiencing contractions about every 15-20 minutes. Admittedly, I was in a bit of denial until a humorous moment when my mum was helping me remove my nail polish, and suddenly my waters broke! Not wanting to have a streak tan, I quickly dashed to the shower to rinse it off, laughing hysterically at the whole situation. My Hypnobirthing classes had emphasised the benefits of laughter during labour as it releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps contractions. It seemed to work wonders, as within minutes, my contractions intensified and started coming every three minutes. I called the hospital, and they advised me to come in. Although hesitant at first, worrying they would send me back home, my mum convinced me it was the right time to go. I was so relieved I did because when I got to the hospital, they told me I was already 6cm dilated!

The most challenging part of labour was the backache, but I found the birthing pool really helped to take the edge off of the pain. I wasn’t able to stay in there long before I was told to get out and onto the bed as they kept misreading my heart rate for his.

Having learnt so much from Hypnobirthing about the importance of staying upright and forward, I was disappointed when the midwives told me those positions were working for me or my baby. But after trying various positions, ultimately, lying on my back seemed to work best for me. 

The pushing stage took a bit longer than I anticipated, but I think his slow desent meant I didn’t have any tearing or need an episiotomy - just a couple of minor grazes!

Throughout the entire experience, I relied heavily on the Hypnobirthing techniques I had learned to keep calm and control my breathing. Not only did it help me to manage the pain it also kept me focused. I also found that having learnt about the birthing process it really helped me stay relaxed, trusting that my body was perfectly designed for this incredible journey. I never once considered needing an epidural, as I was so concentrated on breathing and relaxing my pelvic floor. I think a combination of these things all helped for a smoother labour and prevented me from tearing.

Finally, at 9:15 pm, my little boy made his grand entrance into the world, weighing 8 lbs 3 oz right on his due date – punctuality that, humorously, he didn’t inherit from his father or me!

Reflecting on the entire experience, I feel incredibly empowered and grateful. Trusting my body, staying informed, and using the Hypnobirthing techniques were instrumental in making my birthing experience a positive one. My little boy's timely arrival was the perfect ending to a day filled with a mix of anticipation, laughter, and ultimately, immense joy.


Sadie and Ayah - unplanned


What does a Hypnobirthing course make you feel like?